March 19th, 2019
Callaghan Pump and Controls, Inc. professes the reliability and desirability of variable speed drives for your pumping needs. These systems deliver pressure and water to clients. We currently produce our own systems using Yaskawa drives. These pumps are designed to operate in a mechanical room not in a submersible well. The decision to produce our own systems was the result of a failure of one of our purchased systems at Number 1 World Trade Center, commonly known as the Freedom Tower.
At the time, we were contracted to provide constant pressure during the construction for 4 years. We were a distributor for a company called Quantum Flo. During the time, I am sad to say we had two explosions. Both explosions were due to the manufacturer putting submersible pumps in a pipe and bringing the power outside. To deal with leakage, they put a rubber cork through which they had drilled holes so that they could contain water pressure. When they could not contain it, they decided to place a stainless steel plate behind the rubber cork so that the cork could be compressed more. It was a great idea until it didn’t work.
The next decision was to compress the rubber more by tightening down on the bolt (jam nut). When the jam nut was tightened down, the stainless steel washer was spun. This washer had 4 holes drilled into it for the conductors and when it was spun –BAM! 60 amps, 480 volts, blew up in my face!
I have the wire and jam nut to prove what I am saying. I keep it at my shop. I will show anyone. That is the reason that I started producing Callaghan Pump and Controls variable speed systems. These systems are reliable and safe. We have not had an explosion since we started producing our own systems.,,,,