Both fire pump system and jockey pump control panels get their run signal the exact same way through a half inch non-ferrous pipe commonly referred to as a sensing line. Sensing lines should...
January 29th, 2019
If you ask us at Callaghan Pump and Controls what physical size your pump system will be, we try to keep our package systems as compact as can be. On a standard 1 horsepower up to and including 15...
January 18th, 2019
Callaghan Pump and Controls builds pump packages and we do so with real estate and space constraints in mind. We build a domestic water booster system more compact and quieter than anybody...
November 12th, 2018
When starting any pump or working with any pump control system, whether the pump be a VFD pump, or an HVAC pump in New York being driven by a drive or an across-the-line starter, it is very...,,,,